Finding Answers

Neither print nor online gives readers enough options to reply their own specific questions, merely In Depth, past integrating both tightly, is designed to give readers the best from each medium.

Much as I beloved the Web, it has its weaknesses. It's hard to take on airplanes, for example, and reading anything actually long can make your eyes cross.

Print, on the other hand, is portable and piece of cake on the eyes simply isn't then keen if yous need to dig for more than item or find answers to specific questions a story raises in your listen.

That's why we're combining the two, in this first edition of our monthly In Depth special report. Each In Depth will focus on a specialty area readers take identified as important to them.

In print, you lot'll find stories probing various aspects of the topic, all tied to sectional online stories that become into even greater depth, sidebars on related topics, research, and customs activities designed to raise the value of the information yous go from Computerworld in print and online.

All of that, plus other related Computerworld content, will live at our enhanced In Depth sites at, continually updated with news, opinions and new inquiry links to help you keep up to appointment and focus your research on topics of interest to you.

So you get the portability of print, the resources of the Web and input from your peers in Computerworld communities, served upward in ways designed to be convenient. Let united states know how it works for you.

Kevin Fogarty is Computerworld'due south features editor. Contact him at kevin_fogarty@computerworld. com.

Security Risk and Reward

Stories in this report:

  • Want to Save Some Money? Automate Countersign Resets
  • Knowldge Quest
  • Companies Demand Security Pros With More Varied Skills
  • Finding Answers
  • The Enemy Within
  • The Threat of XML
  • SOAP, Other Protocols Specify Security for XML
  • The Problem With Power
  • Top 10 Security Mistakes
  • Playing By Europe's Rules
  • False Alarm?
  • An Ounce of Intrusion Prevention
  • Deadly Pursuit
  • IDS Products and Prices
  • Should Y'all Outsource IDS?
  • Who He Is
  • Manager Offers Primer On Computer Forensics
  • Unlocking Secure Online Commerce
  • Too Tardily For Digital Certificates?
  • Giving Users Dorsum Their Privacy
  • Feeling Safety With Information technology Security Deals
  • Finjan'southward Software Bolcks Agile Content Threat
  • Security Statistics
  • The Guardian
  • Congress Considers Slew of Bills That Will Affect It, E-Commerce
  • U.S. Legislators Ponder Masses of Bills; Outlook Remains Murky
  • Rule Changes May Farther Protect Company Security Data
  • Getting Started in Figurer Forensics
  • PKI Carries the Mail for U.S. Mail service
  • Security by Syntax

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